dpsa vacancy circular

Police Reservist Position In South Africa, Exciting Opportunity

To apply for a police reservist position in South Africa, interested individuals must meet specific criteria and adhere to the outlined application process provided by the South African Police Service (SAPS). Below are the key requirements and steps to becoming a police reservist:


Personal Criteria Police Reservist Position

To be eligible, candidates must:

  • Have permanent residence in South Africa.
  • Be between 18 and 70 years old.
  • Exhibit no mental defects, diseases, or infirmities that could impede the proper execution of duties.
  • Possess good character and not have been convicted of certain offenses.

How to Volunteer Opportunity: How to Apply

Educational and Language CriteriaPolice Reservist Position

Candidates must:

  • Hold at least a senior certificate or an equivalent qualification.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing at least two official languages, with English being one of them.

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Other Criteria

Applicants should not occupy specific roles or positions, such as being a full-time journalist, media representative, scholar, security officer, or member of a municipal police service.

Application Process:Police Reservist Position

  1. Complete the Application Form for Reservists, available on the SAPS website [2].
  2. Submit the duly filled application form, along with any required documents, to the relevant SAPS office.

It is essential to note that specific details and updates to the application process can be obtained from the official SAPS website or by directly contacting the SAPS.

The role of a police reservist involves volunteering to execute policing functions for the SAPS. Appointed individuals undergo training as determined by the National Commissioner [1][4][5].

For more detailed information or any changes to the application process, it is advisable to refer to the SAPS official website or contact the SAPS directly.

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Important links

[1] Government Services
[2] SAPS Application Form
[3] Vuk’uzenzele
[4] SAPS Reservist Information