dpsa vacancy circularVacancies

Call Centre Agent: HR 4/ 4/3/1CCA/UIF (X3 POSTS)

call center jobs

call center jobs

Salary: R202 233 per annum

CENTRE: Unemployment Insurance Fund, Pretoria

Requirements: Senior Certificate / Grade 12 or equivalent. 0 – 6 months’ experience. Knowledge:  Batho Pele Principles. Telephone Etiquette. Call centre operating system. Skills: Computer Literacy. Interpersonal. Communication. Listening. Customer focused.


Duties: Answering incoming calls (Inbound). Handle outgoing calls (Outbound). Maintain employer’s database. Handle electronic enquiries Evaluate the quality of the calls received and provide advice on Standard Operational Measures.

call center jobs

also see : Call Centre Manager

Enquiries: Ms ZW Chauke Tel: 012 337 1886

Applications: Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 1851, Pretoria, 0001 or hand delivery at corner Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Street, ABSA Towers Building, Pretoria

For Attention: Sub-directorate: Human Resources Management, UIF​


It is the Department’s intention to promote equity (race, gender and disability) through the filling of this post with a candidate whose transfer / promotion / appointment will promote representivity in line with the numeric targets as contained in our Employment Equity plan.

CLOSING DATE: 02 October 2023 at 16:00